Pregnancy mentoring

Guiding you on your journey to your healthiest pregnancy and empowered, transformative birth

Connecting with someone who has recently journeyed through pregnancy and the postpartum period offers unparalleled value, understanding, and solace. The depth of this experience is challenging to convey unless personally encountered. That's precisely why having a dependable support person, someone who truly understands and has lived through it, is so crucial.

Navigating this season of your life with intention is monumental. Through this process you are building a new human being and birthing yourself as a mother at the same time. 

Motherhood is the most significant rite of passage, the most powerful initiation. How you experience it can make your or break you.

After having the most divine pregnancy and life-altering experience birthing my baby I trained as a doula to support women in their path to motherhood. 

My holistic approach is unique as I combine Nutritional therapy, doula mentoring and pregnancy yoga to support women in having better pregnancy and birth experiences. 

I understand that this phase of your life is profound, rewarding, intense, joyful, daunting, and entirely NEW.

This is for mums who are ready to dive into a transformational journey and properly prepare for the birth they truly deserve and desire. A 3-month container in which we go through the entire signature Empowered Pregnancy & Birth online program together in a 1:1 setup.

What’s Included?
  • 6 zoom calls in total, two calls per month (90mins)
    -In the initial consultation we deep-dive in your nutrition, movement and mindset. We’ll uncover your pregnancy visions and desires and discuss a plan that aligns with your individual needs.
  • Up to half a day spent on forming your Personalised Pregnancy Plan based on any specific nutrition, movement or mindset concerns. Including nutrition recommendations, meal guides, shopping lists, supplements, resources and lifestyle adjustments.
  • Continuous Whatsapp support
  • Call 2: Pregnancy Yoga, benefits, how it helps and a full 60' class.
  • Call 3: Mindfullness practices, yoga nidra, why a calm mother matters
  • Call 4: Birth education: deep dive into birth physiology and hormonal cascade
  • Call 5: Birth planning: we will create your birth plan together and get you ready for all possible scenarios
  • Call 6: Postpartum planning, the importance of postpartum and more
  • Ad hoc follow-up calls can be added on as needed. I like to have ongoing relationships with my clients as health isn’t linear. I am here to support you as your pregnancy evolves.
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Empowered Pregnancy & Birth Mentoring: 2 month plan includes three sessions (90mins)

Recommend to those who want to explore a more conscious pregnancy & birth journey but are not sure where to start.

What’s Included?
  • An initial 90-minute consultation to deep-dive your pregnancy journey and audit your nutrition, movement and mindset. We’ll uncover your pregnancy goals and desires and discuss a plan that aligns with your individual needs.
  • Up to half a day spent on forming your Personalised Pregnancy Plan based on any specific nutrition, movement or mindset concerns. Including nutrition recommendations, meal guides, shopping lists, supplements, resources and lifestyle adjustments.
  • 2 x 90-minute follow-up calls to review your Personalised Pregnancy Plan and progress. We make any necessary adjustments and additions to your protocol.
  • Call 2: Birth education and physiology of birth
  • Call 3: Postnatal preparation
  • Unlimited Whatsapp support
  • Ideal if you are towards the end of your pregnancy and you want some support to prepare for birth.
  • Ideal if you are just at the beginning of your pregnancy and want to kick-start your conscious pregnancy and birth journey in a holistic way.
  • Ad hoc follow-up calls can be added on as needed. I like to have ongoing relationships with my clients as health isn’t linear. I am here to support you as your health evolves.


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How will we work together?  


The support I offer in these containers is a fusion of nutritional therapy, pregnancy yoga and antenatal doula support to provide you a holistic set of tools to help you experience pregnancy, birth and early motherhood in the best way possible. 

Experiencing pregnancy or entering motherhood is as exhilarating as it is daunting. It can often feel isolating and overwhelming, accompanied by moments of doubt and guilt, and thoughts like "why doesn't anyone talk about this?" or "is this normal?".

It was essential for me to build a network of support and trusted advisors for validation, advice, and encouragement. A dependable support system is priceless at any stage of life, but it's particularly vital now.

Despite having wonderful friends or family, sometimes it's not enough. The unique value of connecting with someone who has personally gone through pregnancy and postpartum cannot be overstated AND is qualified at the same time, as these experiences are difficult to fully understand without having lived them. This is why I believe in the importance of having a go-to support person who not only understands but has recently navigated these waters themselves.

This support space differs from your usual support circle in significant ways. I invite you to come as you are, without guilt or shame, regardless of your questions, preferences for pregnancy, birth, and motherhood, your fears, anxieties, or your joys.

This is a place where you can be unapologetically yourself, processing everything that arises, knowing you will be supported, seen, and provided with resources by me. It's my role to be there for you, and your 'job' to reach out as much as you need.

Beyond our live sessions, you can expect a prompt reply from me on WhatsApp.

More than just offering emotional support, I'm here to provide practical assistance and solutions.

My expertise in nutrition and pregnancy yoga combined with my doula studies will help you in preparation for this life-altering experience. Consider me as your resource hub, passionate about researching and understanding all facets of pregnancy, postpartum, motherhood, and parenting.

The world of parenting advice is vast and sometimes overwhelming, but I'm here to tailor resources to fit your unique journey and preferences in motherhood.

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My empowered pregnancy & birth experience


After 5 years of battling with bringing my periods back I miraculously got pregnant. I rubbed my eyes to the sight of the positive pregnancy test. 

After the initial doubtful period I called the midwife I always dreamed of having at my birth. 

And I joined my first pregnancy yoga class. 

I was lucky enough to be studying nutritional therapy at the time, taking all my questions to the lecture room. This made me super passionate about prenatal nutrition and applying all that I learned helped to have the most seamless and dreamy pregnancy.

I knew I was nourishing myself and my growing baby deeply contribute to their longterm health and vitality. 

My deepest desire was to birth my baby at home, so I knew that I had to work for it. Regardless of where one chooses to birth their baby, becoming aware of the current mindset and beliefs around birth as well as reprogramming the brain is essential.

So I signed-up to a hypnobirthing course while at the same time practiced mindfulness practices such as yoga nidra and other yogic practices I now teach in my course.

I prepared my body by practicing pregnancy yoga almost daily. It is essentials that we move the body in certain ways and become super body conscious in preparation to birth. 

While doing all of that, I attended a pregnancy yoga and postnatal yoga teachers training.

It all resulted in program that I have now put together and teach to women who wish to have a transformative pregnancy and birth experience. 

I got the birth that I dreamed of. I laboured at home for about 20 hours, many of which in the water. My baby arrived without any interventions, perfectly healthy. My body did the job. All the preparation paid off. And I came the other side brand new. In body, mind and spirit. 

My postpartum was a bliss. Everything was just the most empowering and smooth initiation to motherhood. 

I can't even attempt to explain to you how this experience brought me closer to my true self. Empowered me to become the mother that I am. And I am really proud about the mother that I am. 

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