Nutritional therapy

Fertility & women's health specialist

Understand the root cause of your symptoms and harness the healing power food to alleviate your symptoms and improve your health. 

I work with women 1:1 to improve their fertility, achieve healthy pregnancies and become healthy again. Through functional testing, lifestyle changes and sophisticated nutrition we dive deep into improving the function of all bodily systems to achieve optimal health. 

I am an expert in a range of conditions including digestive problems such as bloating, constipation IBS etc as well as autoimmune conditions, PCOS, endometriosis and amenorrhea. 



Most recommended for those looking to kick-start their journey, explore the possible root causes of their issues and get a comprehensive plans that is easy to follow.

What’s Included?
  • 90-minute initial consultation to deep-dive your health habits and goals. We’ll go through a detailed history and discuss a plan that aligns with your goals and lifestyle.
  • Up to half a day spent on forming your Personalised Nutrition Plan based on the root cause of your health concerns. Including nutrition recommendations, meal guides, shopping lists, supplements, resources and lifestyle adjustments.
  • 60-minute follow-up call to review your Personalised Nutrition Plan and progress roughly six weeks after the initial consultation. We make any necessary adjustments and additions to your protocol.
  • Ad hoc follow-up calls can be added on as needed. I like to have ongoing relationships with my clients as health isn’t linear. I am here to support you as your health evolves.





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Most Recommended for men or women experiencing disease in the body, autoimmune issues, thyroid problems, and inflammatory diseases. This is a life transformation.

What’s Included?
  • 90-minute initial consultation to deep-dive your health habits and goals. We’ll go through a detailed history and discuss a plan that aligns with your goals and lifestyle.
  • Up to half a day spent on forming your Personalised Nutrition Plan based on the root cause of your health concerns. Including nutrition recommendations, meal guides, shopping lists, supplements, resources and lifestyle adjustments.
  • 2 x 60-minute follow-up call to review your Personalised Nutrition Plan and progress roughly every six weeks after the initial consultation. We make any necessary adjustments and additions to your protocol.
  • 1 x 15-minute SOS Call if something specific is happening with your health/lifestyle/habits and you need a quick consultation.
  • Unlimited email access in between calls for you to get questions answered, share updates, and hold accountability.
  • Ad hoc follow-up calls can be added on as needed. I like to have ongoing relationships with my clients as health isn’t linear. I am here to support you as your health evolves.
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How do I work? 


I support individuals through sophisticated nutritional planning and supplementation to support their bodies own healing mechanisms and relief from any acute or chronic conditions.

I specifically specialize in women’s health, supporting women through fertility, pregnancy and postpartum to improve their vitality and health as they transition to motherhood. I work with women experiencing amenorrhea, oligomenorrhea, thyroid issues, PCOS, endometriosis and other similar conditions to alleviate these conditions, restore their natural cycles, improve their fertility and feel better in their bodies.

Focusing on gut health, toxicity and autoimmunity I investigate where the imbalances occur in the body and aim to rebalance the different systems through the healing properties of food and herbs, supplements and body work. In my nutritional planning and lifestyle protocol, alongside naturopathic principles of nutrition I also include the principles and practices of Ayurveda as drawn from my yoga background. I do not believe that one way of eating fits all. I look closely into the individual needs of each of my clients, the state of their digestion, their constitution and health aims in order to create something unique for them.

In your initial consultation we go through a detailed history taking to find out the possible antecedents, triggers and mediators of your symptoms, we clarify the goals that we want to achieve in the next 4-6 weeks and I create a nutritional plan that is sustainable and exciting for you. It is best to book a follow-up consultation to discuss your successes and challenges and readjust your plan accordingly.

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How Nutritional Therapy helped me recover from amenorrhea and get pregnant?

At the age of 25 my periods stopped, just like that in three months I had no bleeds at all. This was shocking to me but I didn't stress about it until about 6 months later that my menses hadn't come back. I didn't have an eating disorder which is a common reason behind amenorrhea. I was eating, a lot, in fact I was on the heavier side for my body.

A long journey of self-exploration started. It included not only questioning what I ate but also my way of being at the time. The root cause behind my problem was clearly psycho-emotional. It was an ungrounded period of my life with lots of changes. I begun psycho-analysis, I tried acupuncture, and visited many many many OBGYNs. 

Some said that my period would come back by taking certain supplements. 

One said that I have premature ovarian failure, early menopause and that I needed to freeze embryos to have babies ever. 

That didn't sound right to me. I slammed the door and never asked for advice from medical professional because, simply, they just don't know enough about chronic conditions. 

I found practitioners who checked my toxicity levels and my gut microbiome. They looked for the root cause rather that a symptomatic approach. 

A few years later and while my periods started to make their appearance I moved to London to study Nutritional Therapy at the College of Naturopathic Medicine. 

By embracing naturopathy, homeopathy and of course, the healing power of foods my periods became normal again and a few months later I conceived my daughter. 

In 2021 I completed my studies and since then I mentor women through nutritional therapy into becoming fertile again and trust in their body's ability to heal while having a root cause approach. 

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